Your data. Our promise.

You’re careful about sharing your data. We understand. We’re the same way!

Here is our data promise to you.

  1. We won’t ask for any piece of data that doesn’t have a benefit to you.

  2. We will manage your data with the highest level of security.

  3. We won’t sell your data. Ever.

About Account Connections

Account connections within the Brightfin app are powered by Plaid. This is the same secure service trusted by more than 4,000 banks and financial apps, including Venmo, Acorns, and SoFi.

When you connect an account with Brightfin, the app opens a window to Plaid. After you enter your login and password, Plaid sends that information to your financial institution. Plaid returns balances and transactions for you to see in the Brightfin app. Brightfin has no access to your login credentials.

For more information, see our privacy policy.

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash